How do I display price per share (PPU) on a real estate holding?

Showcase your price per share (PPU) on real estate assets/properties. Learn How.

The new feature enables GPs to display the number of shares in the investor portal
(on tiles and within the holding) and the GP portal (in the Positions screen). Shares
are calculated using the "Price Per Share" (PPU), where the contribution amount is
divided by the PPU. For example, if an investor contributes $100k and the PPU is
$1k, the resulting calculation would be $100k / $1k = 100 shares.

How to Configure Shares and Price Per Share?
1. In Edit Asset / Fund configure the Price Per Share

Price per share real estate

2. Then, turn on “Display Shares”

Price per share real estate displayed

3. Shares are now shown on both the tiles and within the holding.

real estate price per share